March is the powerful month that is dedicated to women and has been since the late 80s. So, this month we are dedicating our blogs strictly to women and how women are treated, the facts and figures, the impacts, inspirational women, and ways to survive as a woman following sexual trauma.
Our March blogs will be a series of 5 parts dedicated to women, so come back every Thursday to learn and raise awareness.
What is Women's History Month (WHM) and why is it so important?
Quite literally, WHM is a whole month dedicated to women. This includes the history of women’s rights, the celebration of the milestones reached by women through generations, and a continuation of fighting for women’s rights.
It started with just a day dedicated to women, based on the 8th March and began in the year 1911. However, until the 60’s was largely forgotten about and after a women’s rights march was curated by Laura X, the legacy of WHM, also known as International Women's Month (IWM), was resurrected (Bernikow, 2005).
Overtime, a day turned into a week, and then turned into a whole month dedicated to women and their powerful history.
Read the entire timeline of International Women’s Day here:
What does International Women's Month mean to us?
Although IWM is a celebration of how far we, as a society, have come. We also see it as a perfect opportunity to raise our voices even louder about the mistreatment that we receive and just how common it is for a woman to face sexual trauma.
97% of women have experienced some kind of sexual trauma, this figure is destructively high. Which raises the question of how far have we really come?
Women have been perceived as objects, largely sexual, for centuries. Likewise, they have been seen as inferior in many aspects of life. While today, in the UK, women can vote, can work, and can in many instances make their own decisions, there is still the matter of sexual trauma that remains a battle.
Almost all women have faced some kind of sexual trauma in the UK, which is why IWM is still so crucial.
Come back next week, for the second instalment of this series.